Why bank pay the interest for people | What reason bank pay the interest

 Why bank pay the interest for people | What reason bank pay the interest 

So hi guys wass up today I discuss what's reason bank pay the interest. If bank pay the interest so what's bank profit ? So please read the full article carefully.


Guys one bank is open so his first priority is a customer with money. So that case any bank open so this bank is provide high interest of money. Why ? Because bank need a customer and without customer bank is loss. That oposite case bank is old and old so bank interest is very low. Because banks near higher customer and higher profit and trusted on people. 

Bank interest system:

     New bank open so that case bank interest is a high like 8%, 10% depended in a bank and when palaces open the bank. And that oposite case old is old bank interest is very low like 3%, 4%, 4.5%, 4.8% and depended in a bank and when palaces open the bank. So guys this process bank pay the interest.


     So guys bank profit is a loan and higher loan to higher profit in bank. Bank profit is loan so how to pay the interest in people. Why ? Because bank need a people all time so that case people are interst so bank pay the interest in people because if not pay the bank interest so anyone people do not open the bank passbook. So that case bank provide the interest in people basis on deposite in bank passbook.

So guys that all is the bank interest system and if you any doubt please comment and if you like the post so please follow us and share this post. Thank you......

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