Where does the bank get it's income from | How to income source in bank
So guys wass up today I discuss banking income source. Right we know that if you want to deposit money in the bank so bank provide your interest basis your money but where does the bank get income? I all explain you please read full article. So let's start.....
What is bank:
So guys we know that what is bank but I tell you bank is the most important source in money. where people are deposit the money for safety. Banks are also used to use the money at the wrong time. Banks are also used to deposit money. So one word tell him that is bank.
Banking system:
1. Central Bank,
2. Commercial Bank.
Central banking system functions:
A. Monopoly power in note issue,
B. Stability of foreign exchange.
Functions of commercial bank:
A. Accepting deposite
Example: 1. Savings a/c/demand a/c
2. Capital a/c/current a/c
3. Fixed deposit/term deposit
Source of income:
Bank all customer pay the interest but where are earn bank? Bank earn to "loan". Bank main source of income is loan. The higher the loan, the higher the bank's income. Then bank cut the some charges in customer on many facilities. Like, passbook update, low money, atm charge, sms charge, international charge etc. So bank depende is loan otherwise not for anymore income source in bank. So that is interesting.
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